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#Unite4Schools | Save Our Schools

FundiFund and Save the Children SA is calling on business leaders to Unite for Education and help us Rebuild our schools and rebuild the hope young people have in grown ups.

Funds raised will go a long way to help us get students back to school.At least 139 schools were looted and vandalised during last month’s unrest. Among the schools that lost everything was Golden Steps, a special needs school, in Verulam, KZN.

The school was completely ransacked, with looters taking everything from food and appliances to specialised computers and TVs designed to assist children with disabilities.

For many children in South Africa, school is so much more than just a place to learn. It is often where they receive their only nutritious meal of the day. It is a place of hope, long lasting friendships and big dreams.

Uniform Campaign

Back-to-school season marks an important period in every learner's journey, filled with anticipation and excitement. While some eagerly anticipate reuniting with friends, others look forward to making new connections. However, this excitement is often overshadowed by the challenges faced by families with limited financial resources in obtaining essential school gear and stationery.

In South Africa, a significant hurdle arises when children from economically disadvantaged families are unable to attend school due to the financial strain of acquiring school uniforms. This barrier not only hampers their educational aspirations but also severely limits their access to learning opportunities, particularly in rural areas.

Many parents in South Africa find themselves in a difficult situation, needing to put school uniforms on lay-by due to financial constraints, low incomes, and economic pressures. Stores like Ackermans, Pep, and Jet have previously offered lay-by options, allowing parents to select their children's uniforms and pay for them over a period of 3-6 months without incurring interest. The importance of school uniforms extends beyond mere clothing; they promote inclusivity among students and eliminate the pressures of "competitive dressing," thereby reducing conflicts and distractions in the classroom.

Recognizing that some parents were unable to pick up their lay-by items even after the school year had commenced, resulting in students attending school in their old clothes, Fundi Foundation has initiated a nationwide campaign called "BringALittleJoy." The primary aim of this campaign is to alleviate financial burdens and boost the confidence and dignity of learners by assisting parents in paying off and collecting their school lay- bys at Ackermans, PEP, and Jet stores nationwide. The foundation has committed R15,000 towards this campaign to release lay-bys for parents in need.

FundiCSI | Corporate Social Investment

By 2019, through a small CSI budget and employee contributions, Fundi was already making a significant impact through student bursaries, financial commitments to institutions as well as contributions to Bhuko Bhami Community Centre and Sibonile School for the Blind.

Doing Good is good business, and due to our ethos of doing more to enable more learning as well as being confronted by the challenges students face in getting access to education, Fundi made a strategic decision to establish Fundi Foundation as a long-term commitment to enabling education dreams and making an impactful difference in society. FundiFoundation is a universe of all things that enable education and learning for those who can’t help themselves.